An Exposition will Introduce Architectonic Designs of Praha-Veleslavín Station

In connection to the completed international architectonic contest for the future shape of Praha-Veleslavín railway station, Správa železnic prepared in cooperation with the Prague 6 city part an exposition of architectonic designs. All studies elaborated will be free to see for interested visitors from 24 February to 3 April 2020 in the Prague 6 City Hall. Praha-Veleslavín Station is part of the construction Modernization of the line Prague – Kladno with a connection to Václav Havel Airport.

The international jury presided by architects Sándor Finta and Helg Lunder recommended for implementation the project of Dalibor Hlaváček and Zuzana Kučerová from the Prague studio idhea architekti. Besides this one, the exposition will introduce the final designs of ra15, PROJEKTIL ARCHITEKTI, monom works and ABTSMOLEN as well as the remaining 17 studies which ended in the first round. They will be available to see during opening hours of the Prague 6 city part, i.e. on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The exposition will not only stress the importance of the architectonical contest but also show the difficult role of the international jury while assessing all designs submitted. Both Czech and foreign architectonic teams took part in the contest, elaborating 22 studies of very good quality altogether. I am really pleased that we put so much energy and effort in this construction preparation phase and I firmly believe that travelling to the airport by train will be a pleasant experience for all not only due to comfort but to aesthetics as well”, said Mr. Jiří Svoboda, Director General of Správa železnic.

The international architectonic jury was organized by Správa železnic for the first time in its history. Its objective was not only designing the shape of Praha-Veleslavín railway station but also creating a unifying design for further stations and stops on the line.

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