Big Reconstruction of Station Building at České Budějovice Draws Near

Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) opens a tender for a supplier to reconstruct the passenger building at České Budějovice station. The public order includes a total renovation of this listed building which will keep its historical shape even after the reconstruction and thus will become a dignified entrance gate to the South Bohemian capital. At the same time, adjoining outside premises will be revitalized as well. Construction works should be launched in the first half of next year.

Construction works will affect the whole passenger building including connected ground wings under Platform No 1. The facade and the roof will be reconstructed, windows and doors will be exchanged and the whole building interior will be transformed with a modernized background for passengers. Current unused premises will be revitalized too, e.g. they will be completed with a small commercial passage. The building will acquire a new main entrance opened to Lann Avenue.

Together with the passenger building reconstruction, the adjoining outer promises will be revitalized with a new parking place and a delivery area.                  

The estimated value of the opened tender is CZK 540 million.

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