Děčín východ Station Has Undergone a Comprehensive Repair

Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) has reconstructed the so-called upper station in the station Děčín východ. This has acquired modern signalling equipment, a platform with barrier-free access and a new information system.

The railway station is part of the Ústí nad Labem-Střekov – Děčín hlavní nádraží and Děčín hlavní nádraží  – Česká Lípa lines. Repair works worth CZK 143 million began in September last year and ended this June. Part of the repair works was a replacement of the original electromechanical station signalling equipment with a so-called hybrid interlocking, which resulted in the cancellation of 2 interlockings, increased the station capacity and safety.

High current technology, especially station lighting, has been repaired. The original platform material was partially recycled to create a new platform with barrier-free access. There is also a new station inspector's office, including sanitary facilities for the staff. Signalling equipment is ready for a future change of the traction system from DC to AC,” stated Mr. Jiří Svoboda, Director General of SŽDC. A new information system has been installed for passengers.

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