Feasibility Study of a New Railway between Prague and Dresden is in the Final Stage of Processing

The Central Commission of the Ministry of Transport could assess a feasibility study for the construction of a new railway connection between Prague and Dresden already during September. Work on its completion was not hindered in any way by the termination of the contract with the original processor, the association of companies CEDOP+EGIS. The investment preparation of the cross-border part of the construction between Ústí nad Labem and Heidenau and between Prague and Lovosice / Litoměřice will continue immediately after the approval of the study. This section will be divided into two: Prague-Balabenka – Oleško branching-off point and Oleško branching-off point – Litoměřice.

The first phase of the study has already examined the potential that a high-speed line can bring to the regions through which it is going to pass. Based on the benefits, such as the approximation of settlements in the regions to the capital and to each other, the conception of the railway line was changed and Správa železnic was enjoined by the Ministry of Transport to further develop the route, which does not correspond to the territorial reserve corridor historically inserted into the Principles of Territorial Development of the Ústí region, but takes into account the current concept of regional transport services. It would not be functional in the route of the original corridor.

As part of the deliberations of the route for the new railway line, negotiations are underway with representatives of the local governments of the municipalities concerned, based on their opinions, conditions will subsequently be issued under which it will be possible to continue with the further preparations and approvals of individual stages of pre-project and project preparation for the construction of the selected route. Another opportunity to involve municipalities in the preparation of the construction will be the level of documentation for zoning proceedings and the related EIA process ­– Environmental Impact Assessment (both the construction of the line and its future operation).

The Prague ­– Lovosice section, as part of the core network of the TEN-T Trans-European Transport Network should be completed in accordance with EU transport policy by 2030. To meet this goal, Správa železnic prepares in connection with the above-mentioned deliberations of the feasibility study to announce a tender for the preparation of documentation for zoning decision and EIA assessment, already at the beginning of next year.

The farthest is the preparation of the cross-border section – the Czech-German Ore Mountains tunnel. In cooperation with the German side, contracts are being organised for project management of construction preparation, elaboration of documentation for zoning decision or surveys and assessments necessary for the construction of the tunnel (geodetic fixation, geology, nature protection, etc.). The project management according to the German model will be applied both to the 26-kilometer-long tunnel itself, which both countries expect to put into operation in the second half of the next decade, and to the connecting line from the tunnel to Ústí nad Labem as well.

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