Správa železnic Prepares Reconstruction of Further Station Buildings

From the beginning of this year, Správa železnic has been discussing within the Central Committee of the Ministry of Transport eight proposals for station buildings reconstructions for a price of almost CZK 376 million. The Central Committee assessed each of the project intents and gave green light to their implementation. Passengers can thus look forward not only to better travelling comfort and a new background while waiting for their train connection but also to a more pleasant environment, barrier-free access to the station or new parking places.

After the approval of the project intent by the Ministry of Transport, Správa železnic can continue preparing the reconstructions. From further steps preceding the constructions as such we can name the construction design preparation, the acquisition of a building permit and a public tender call for the works’ supplier. People can look forward to reconstructions or new constructions of passenger buildings including their surroundings e.g. in Aš, Chodov, Bílina, Bečov nad Teplou, Světlá nad Sázavou, Dětřichov nad Bystřicí, Valšov or Moravský Beroun.

In Bečov nad Teplou, revitalization of the listed passenger building will be carried out in 2022 - 2023 with total estimated investment costs amounting to CZK 67 million. The building will be completely renovated. During its implementation, unnecessary small building objects in the immediate surroundings will be removed. Due to the station position in a historically protected city zone, builders will concentrate also on cultivating local environment including the adjoining park. Parking places for passengers will be newly created too. A roof for cyclists will be built as well; the station will also acquire new furniture.

In Chodov, Správa železnic prepares construction of a new passenger building as an investment related to a previous one during which platforms with barrier-free access and an underpass were built. The new building will be constructed at the underpass exit. Passengers will have at their disposal a waiting room, cash desks and barrier-free lavatories. The investment also includes building a parking place for passengers right in front of the new passenger building. The assumed term of construction in during 2022 - 2023 with estimated investment costs CZK 35 million.

In Bílina, the passenger building will be completely renovated for its future optimal use while preserving current construction dispositional arrangement. The building will be sufficiently heated, it will acquire a new roof and all installations wiring. Water-proofing of the lower part of the building will be very expensive however as a considerable amount of soil will have to be extracted. The building’s interior will also be completely reconstructed; barrier-free lavatories will be built for passengers as well as barrier-free access into the underpass leading to platforms. The project concept assumes using the building by current tenants in one of its wings. The second wing will be adapted for commercial tenants to provide services for passengers, e.g. small refreshments or press sale. The assumed term of reconstruction is between 2021 and 2022 with estimated costs of CZK í 54 million.

A quite new passenger building including connected transport infrastructure is planned also in Dětřichov nad Bystřicí. During the construction, the original passenger building will be demolished and a new one will be built, containing both waiting premises for passengers and for railway operation employees as well as the necessary technology. Conditions for parking and standing off bicycles will improve. Investment costs are approximately CZK 27 million, the implementation should start this year and last to next year.  

The current unsatisfactory state of the passenger building should change also in Valšov where a reduction of the current building is planned for a price of CZK 26 million, consisting in a demolition of the 2nd floor. Besides a background for passengers, the remaining part will also include signalling technologies. Following that, the whole building will be completely reconstructed; besides greenery recultivation, conditions for parking and standing off bicycles will also improve in its surroundings. The implementation of this project is planned for 2021 -2022.

A compplete renovation of the passenger building is planned also in Světlá nad Sázavou. The facade is going to be reconstructed as well as internal installations; current premises for passengers and carriers’ services will be changed as well. The construction will also deal with a possibility of standing off bicycles into boxes for cyclists. The building is a listed historical monument, reconstruction costs amount to CZK 47 million. The implementation is planned for 2021 - 2022.

The project intent for a building in Moravský Beroun has been approved too. A reduction of premises is planned within the building with a subsequent complete reconstruction of the preserved part with costs amounting approximately to CZK 31 million which will allow building a new adequate background both for the infrastructure manager or carriers and especially for passengers. The investment will also include a possibility of parking and standing off bicycles near the building. The tender for the investment’s supplier is planned by Správa železnic even this year; implementation as such should take place next year.


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