SŽDC Launches an Interactive Map of Constructions

As of this day, Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) has a new interactive map of constructions on the Czech railway network. It is available on the SŽDC website homepage and offers an overview of unfinished or prepared constructions embedded. It will be gradually extended with the growing number of projects in preparation.

Each construction in its base version contains especially information on the term of implementation launch and completion together with a brief description. More important constructions will be gradually completed by detailed tabs with additional information. Data will be gradually updated.

The interactive map includes the option to search constructions by using several criteria. The basic one is the construction name; besides that, they can be filtered by regions, separate railway lines or the term of launch. A list of all currently implemented or prepared investments with a planned implementation launch in the near future is also at disposal.

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