SŽDC Successfully Completed Preparation of the First Blending Call Programme Project

Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) moved to a further step in preparing the first project implemented within the Blending Call Programme and called a tender for a supplier of the construction designated as “Velim – Poříčany, BC“.

The Blending Call Programme deals with eliminating bottlenecks in selected pre-defined sections of Core Network rail corridors in the Czech Republic. Financing this programme is assured from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) resources, from a European Investment Bank (EIB) loan and from the state budget.

With regard to high use of this section, SŽDC called in its tender for innovative solutions that will directly impact the construction duration. For instance, price will not be the only evaluating factor in this order but decreasing the closure period as well”, said Mr. Jiří Svoboda, Director General of SŽDC. A double-shift operation system with a 14 hours working time will be set within the construction organization plan which will allow decreasing the total implementation duration of the project by approximately 20%. Total estimated investment costs amount to CZK 3.4 billion.

The construction includes adaptations of the sections Velim – Pečky and Pečky – Poříčany, Poříčany and Velim stations and Cerhenice and Tatce stops. It will concentrate on complete reconstruction of the railway superstructure and saving selected sections in the railway substructure. Reconstruction of four existing railway crossings and a closure of a fifth one is expected. Platforms will be reconstructed at stops Cerhenice and Tatce together with platform adaptations at Poříčany for future use by suburban trains. Selected bridges will be reconstructed as well. The reconstruction includes also adaptations of fixed signalling equipment in the section Poříčany - Český Brod and reducing negative noise impacts from railway operation by repairing and constructing new anti-noise barriers and individual anti-noise measures based on the noise study, elaborated and approved for the construction.

Modernization of Pečky station is not included in the construction and will be dealt with separately. Main works will be carried out in 2020 – 2022; they will be completed in mid-2023. The construction will result in assuring interoperability parameters and an increase in operation reliability, smoothness and safety.

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