Agreement on New Cross-Border Infrastructure between Czechia nad Poland

Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) and Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK) concluded an agreement on close cooperation in developing a new cross-border railway infrastructure between the Czech Republic and Poland included in the Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T.

In its extent, this cooperation includes coordination and harmonization of preparatory studies and works on new cross-border railway lines Katowice – Ostrava and Wrocław – Praha. These llines will be designed as high-speed ones.

To strengthen mutual cooperation, a working group is to be created within one month for assuring coordination of works and exchange of experience in the field of preparing new high-speed lines between the Czech and the Polish side.

The organization “Centralny Port Komunikacyjny” deals in Poland with preparation of a new central airport as well as related infrastructure, especially the construction of approx. 1,600 km of new railway lines.

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