Faster trains, new platforms and a stop in centre – repairs of Pardubice junction are coming to its end

Passengers in Pardubice can now use modern platforms that are conveniently accessible by lifts and escalators. In addition, some trains will start arriving at a new stop closer to the centre of the regional metropolis. This is the result of two constructions that were ceremoniously completed today by Správa železnic at Pardubice Main Station. The modernisation started in September 2020, the total cost amounts to almost CZK 6.36 billion. The construction of the Pardubice centrum stop cost another CZK 74 million. At the same time, work is beginning on the remaining part of the main station building.

Pardubice Main Station is located on the busy corridor from Prague to Moravia. Hundreds of long-distance and regional trains stop here daily. "We want train journeys to be faster and more reliable, which is why we are investing in railway. The reconstruction of the Pardubice junction is important not only in the context of the Czech Republic, but also in the context of the whole of Europe, because international trains pass through it. The construction also succeeded in connecting two previously separated parts of the city. The construction will improve the life of passengers who only pass through Pardubice, as well as locals," says Prime Minister Petr Fiala.

All the existing platforms have been reconstructed and one new platform has been added. Their length varies from 124 to 436 metres. At the same time, Správa železnic renovated platform roofing, overhead contact line supports, lighting, orientation, information and camera system, new beacons and signage for the visually impaired. Passengers can use designer benches and baskets.

Both pedestrian underpasses have undergone a complete renovation; in addition to stairs, lifts or escalators can also be used to access the trains. They also connect the platform with a roofed footbridge, which measures 290 metres in total and leads across the entire track to the Dukla housing estate.

The Pardubice Main Station is an imaginary gateway to the whole of Eastern Bohemia, twenty thousand passengers pass through it every day. The long-term growing popularity of train lines from Pardubice not only to Prague shows that people appreciate the speed and reliability offered by the railway. The modernisation of the entire junction will help to further increase its attractiveness,” said Minister of Transport Martin Kupka.

"The Pardubice junction is also important in terms of the European railway transport network. A better connection on the Praha – Brno – Břeclav route is important for travelling from Berlin, Bratislava or Vienna. The overall modernisation of Pardubice railway station was supported by European grant in the amount of more than three billion crowns. The European contribution will provide passengers with greater safety, better accessibility and quality when travelling by train," said Monika Ladmanová, Head of the European Commission's Representation in Prague.

The builders carried out a complete reconstruction of the track facility. The operation of the trains is quieter thanks to this, and the installation of the European Train Control System (ETCS) will also enable the speed of the trains to be increased to 160 km/h. Another benefit is also the double-tracking of the section in the direction of Rosice nad Labem, which is used both by trains to Hradec Králové and to Chrudim.

The total investment costs of the project entitled Modernisation of the Pardubice railway junction amount to CZK 6,365,944,040 excluding VAT. The maximum amount of EU support is EUR 125,930,297 (CZK 3,114,634,036) and can reach up to 85 % of the total eligible costs. The project is co-financed by the European Union under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). National funding is provided by the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure (Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury).

The contractors are the companies EUROVIA CS; Chládek a Tintěra, Pardubice; Elektrizace železnic Praha and GJW Praha.

Trains will run closer to the centre
A big news for residents and visitors is the new stop Pardubice centrum. "It will bring passengers a significant reduction in the walking distance to the city centre. We will start operating on it on 9 June, all trains from Hradec Králové and also from Chrudim during rush hour will arrive here," described the Director General of Správa železnic, Jiří Svoboda.    

The new stop consists of a 140-metre long double-sided platform equipped with two shelters. Passengers can reach the stop by two barrier-free entrances, from the underpass in Sladkovského Street and from the pedestrian underpass in Jana Palacha Street.

The construction of the Pardubice centrum stop has been underway since last September, the work was carried out by the companies EUROVIA CS and Chládek a Tintěra, Pardubice. The construction was financed by the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure (Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury).

The listed building will offer modern facilities
However, the construction activity at Pardubice Main Station will not go completely silent. The second part of the reconstruction of the large, listed building is beginning. After the restoration of the former hotel, which now serves as an educational centre of Správa železnic, the station hall, the eastern operational wing and the western wing with an apartment building are next.

The builders will completely renovate the roof, facade and the entire interior. It will be returned to its original appearance, but it will meet the current requirements of passengers and carriers. The project also includes the installation of a photovoltaic power plant.

After the completion of the construction, passenger services will be improved in the check-in hall, while the public toilets will be modified. Commercial units with doctor's offices and a pharmacy will be on the ground floor and on the first floor of the west wing. A lift will provide barrier-free access. The eastern wing will be used for railway traffic. The builders will make layout changes in the staff facilities and expand the office space. A complete reconstruction of the apartment building is also planned.

The contractors of the construction are the companies Chládek a Tintěra, Pardubice and EUROVIA CZ. The works will be carried out during operation, passengers will always have access to the part of the check-in hall and the necessary facilities. It will be ready by the end of 2026. The total cost of this stage of the construction amounts to CZK 1.014 billion and will be financed from the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure (Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury).

In the first year, the east wing and half of the hall will be reconstructed, followed by work on the west wing and the other part of the hall. The apartment building will come last.

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