Průběžná Street Closing for a Month Due to Reconstruction of Railway Line to Hostivař

During continuing works on the new corridor leading to Praha-Hostivař the investor of which is Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC), Průběžná Street will be closed from 25 July to 25 August on the site of the underpass under the railway line in direction to Švehlova Street. Restrictions mentioned above will concern mass urban and individual transport as well as pedestrians and cyclists.

These restrictions are necessary due to a construction of gas pipe relocation outside of the heating season period, removal of the railway bridge current construction and clearing the building site for the construction of a new one. The bridge will be part of a new railway station Praha-Zahradní Město with barrier-free access to platforms.

The station will be situated right on the bridge construction above Průběžná Street. The bridge as such will include a part of the platforms with access, i.e. ramps, stairs, escalators and lifts as well as roofing and traction support. The current narrow space under the bridge will be extended and a terminal with direct access to mass urban transport will be built at the station. This will improve safety and transport conditions both here and in the adjoining vicinity. Pedestrians will also find a waiting room and dispatching premises in the underpass.

Alternate Mass Urban Transport Roads

Buses No 101, 175 and 195 will be divided and end their ride at Skalka and Zahradní Město stops.
The bus No 175 in direction to the city centre will continue its ride from Zahradní Město stop to Jesenická stop as a substitute for the bus No 195.
Buses No 138 and 177 will be taking an alternate route Švehlova – Jižní Spojka – V Korytech – Průběžná – Na Padesátém (in both directions).
A new bus No X26 will be also taking this route as a substitute for restricted trams lines No 22 (Radošovická) and 26 (Kubánské náměstí) but it will continue from V Korytech Street together with buses No 154 and 188 to the terminus stop Strašnická with a Prague underground (metro) station.

Road Transport

Due to the priority given to mass urban transport buses on the alternate road, the underpass in V Korytech Street (between U Trati Street and the tram loop Radošovická) in direction from Zahradní Město to Strašnice will be closed for individual road transport from Monday to Friday between 6.00 – 10.00 AM and 2.00 – 7.00 PM. The alternate road for individual road transport will be run by the traffic ways Jižní Spojka (South Junction) – Černokostelecká or Chodovská – Bohdalecká.

More detailed information with charts of temporary transport markings and alternate roads for mass urban transport can be found on the website in the “Doprava” (Transport) section. Motorists can find information on transport restrictions directly at information tables situated on the City circle road, the Spořilov junction, the Štěrboholy radial road and in Černokostelecká and Průmyslová Street.

The project is co-financed by the European Union under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme. The works’ completion is planned for September 2021.

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