Rack railway from Tanvald to Kořenov is awaiting major repairs

The only rack railway line in the Czech Republic will undergo a complete renewal. Správa železnic selected the contractor of the works, namely the company Chládek a Tintěra, Litoměřice. Its winning bid was in the amount of CZK 432,100,624. By the end of this year, special components of the rack rail and steel sleepers will be manufactured, and the closure will start on 15 April next year. The construction will be co-financed by the cross-border programme INTERREG Czech Republic – Poland 2021–2027.

Thanks to the repair, the structural and technical condition will be improved and safety will be increased on the steepest line in the country. An important part of the project is the revitalisation of the rack railway in the intermediate sections and its reinstallation in the Dolní Polubný station.

The works will include the replacement of wooden and steel sleepers with ypsilon-shaped steel sleepers in the entire section from Tanvald to Kořenov, including the main track in the Desná and Dolní Polubný operating control post. Furthermore, the rails will be replaced, the gravel bed will be cleaned by machine, switches will be repaired in the Desná, Dolní Polubný and on the branch line to the Ornela company premises.

The builders will also restore the drainage and rehabilitate the rock cuts. They will also replace crossing structures at seven level crossings and repair platforms at Desná, Dolní Polubný and Kořenov stops.

The closure, which will start on 15 April next year, will be used by the Polish infrastructure manager to replace the rails in the section from the state border to Szklarska Poręba Górna station and to secure two level crossings by safety installation.

The restoration of the rack railway is the largest investment project of the Interreg programme. Správa železnic will receive the subsidy on the basis of the contract concluded this February with the Ministry of Regional Development. The amount of the subsidy will be up  to 80.7 % of the eligible costs, i.e. CZK 367,714,875.

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