Czech-Saxon Cross-Border Cooperation Project Brings First Results


The cross-border cooperation project for developing railway transport between Saxony and the Czech Republic brings its first specific results. According to the conclusions of a conference held last week in Ústí nad Labem, some achievements of collaborating experts could already be incorporated into the feasibility study for a new railway connection between Prague and Dresden which is currently in its elaboration phase and will determine the layout of a new line in the region.

The cross-border cooperation project for developing railway transport Saxony - Czech Republic is being implemented within the Programme for supporting cross-border cooperation between the Czech Republic and the Free State of Saxony 2014–2020, co-financed by the European Union. Its leaders are Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) and the Saxon Ministry of Economy, Work and Transport (SMWA). Other partners on the Czech side are the Czech Geological Service (ČGS) and the J. E. Purkyně University (UJEP); the German partner is the Saxon State Authority for Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG). The project has as objective to intensify and deepen cooperation among institutions for the purpose of supporting and developing railway cross-border cooperation between countries situated on both sides of Krušné hory (Ore Mountains), especially in relation to the prepared and planned line of a new railway connection from Dresden through Ústí nad Labem to Prague.

The project follows cooperation of Czech and Saxon partners in the previous years, which resulted i.a. in three preliminary studies. Their outputs were used in the feasibility study for the construction of a new railway connection Dresden – Prague that should be completed in the first quarter of next year. The study includes also partial results of a geological survey being carried out by geologists from both sides precisely within the Czech-Saxon project.

Another part of the project is an evaluation of socio-economic impacts of the new railway connection Prague – Dresden for citizens in Saxony and the Ústí nad Labem Region. The surveys included mapping the present state while determining starting and destination points for travelling in both regions as well as for commuting, selecting a mode of transport and perceiving transport attributes and motivation for travelling. Results of a questionnaire survey are being concurrently evaluated on the Czech and on the German side.

Based on a classification of the above-mentioned railway connection as an Urgent need category within the Federal plan of traffic routes last December, a common group of SŽDC and DB Netz for the preparation of the new line project has been established. This May, the intent was presented in detail in Berlin to the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. Both institutions will confirm common pre-planning next year by a corresponding contract. Up to 2025, a technical solution draft will be prepared as well as legal documents for common construction and operation of a new railway line from Prague to Dresden. 

The construction of a new line from Prague to Dresden will result not only in a competitive connection of these two cities, but also in connecting the Czech Republic to the high-speed network in Germany. It will also include a cross-border tunnel 26 kilometres long under Krušné hory which will also serve freight transport.


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