Railway Station Building in Příbram Substantially Modernised


Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) completed a few weeks ago the reconstruction of the railway station building in Příbram. Construction works lasted from last September till this April. The construction was carried out for a sum of approximately CZK 8.9 million by the company STAV – TECH – CAR.

”Modernisation of the passenger building in Příbram dealt with façade repairs including an exchanges of holes’ filling, plumbing and locksmith’s, safety and signalling components, the  wiring system and a new information system. The building’s entrances and strengthened surface were also reconstructed; protection of the building against pigeons was newly installed as well. Repaired premises were completed by new external furniture. The waiting room for passengers and public lavatories were modernised too“, says Mr. Tomáš Drmola, Deputy Director General for Asset Management

SŽDC plans to invest in 2018 almost CZK 118 million in preparation and implementation of repairs or reconstructions of station buildings in Central Bohemia. This year, repairs of railway stations in Kolín, Hořovice or Nelahozeves will be completed or launched in the region. ”Besides repair works as such, preparation of more extensive projects continues this year to be implemented next year. From these, we can name e.g. repairs of the station building in Beroun“, specifies Mr. Drmola.


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