Draft of the Railway Timetable 2018 on the SŽDC Website


Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) published on its website the Draft for the Railway Timetable 2018 in force since December 10, 2017. This document was prepared pursuant to Act No. 266/1994 Coll. as amended for lines where SŽDC is the allocator of the railway capacity. It can be found at

The purpose of the new infrastructure manager procedure is to make the document available to a wide range of municipalities, organizations and citizens in a timely manner so that all stakeholders have a comprehensive overview, including the situation in downstream regions. They can submit their comments without undue delay. At the same time, more time will be created for their subsequent evaluation and coordination.

We would like to draw attention of any potential active participants in the comments on this document that they must submit their initiatives according to respective carriers. It means to the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic regarding long-distance trains and to locally relevant regions regarding regional transport trains. Contacts for individual carriers, regions and the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic can be found, for instance,  on their public websites.

SŽDC compiled this Draft of the Railway Timetable 2018 on the basis of the order of individual carriers. Therefore, to submit any suggestions directly to SŽDC and request their settlement is irrelevant. The actual discussion of the Draft will be carried out according to the aforementioned law.


Press release to download pdf