Railway firemen present their technology to children


Prague 7 September 2016 – The first weeks in September present a great risk of injuries and transport accidents for children. Upon their return from holidays, children have to master again rules of safe behaviour not only in road operation. The entertaining and educational project TO SCHOOL AT EASE, guaranteed by the Service for Road Operation Safety (BESIP) should be helping them with such aspects. Firemen of Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration) present their activities within this project as well.

 ”Prevention is important at every age. Children returned from holidays and must quickly get used to rules of safe circulation near a road or a railway line “, says Mr. Pavel Hošek, Head of SŽDC Prague firemen. Railway firemen present to children especially an extricating tank which is used e.g. for eliminating impacts of a train derailment as well as other technology in use. ”We explain to children what railway firemen must do and we show them our technology. The public must be aware from early childhood what is the integrated rescue service composed of and what each sector does“, adds Mr. Hošek.

The four-day programme is in progress this week at the Prague fairground Holešovice and is divided into a morning and afternoon block. Morning is designed primarily for schoolchildren, the afternoon for whole families. By form of entertainment, children can recall basic rules of correct behaviour not only in road operation, such as safely crossing roads, respecting rules while cycling, the correct equipment for cyclists, rules of behaviour while travelling by urban mass transport etc..


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