Length of Sections with Slow Rides on SŽDC Network Got Considerably Reduced


In the past 12 months, Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) reduced considerably line sections where slow rides were introduced. In comparison to 30 June last year, the total length of so-called slow rides decreased by 39%. An even more considerable reduction by more than a half occurred for slow rides having been introduced due to the technical state of the lines.

On the SŽDC network with a size of 9,374 km, trains had to slow down in the half of the year on almost 80 kilometres of lines while one year ago it was approximately on 140 kilometres. ”Increasing the amount of financial resources and allocating them into more complex repairs allows removing slow rides more operatively in sections with an impaired technical state, but such a situation can be especially prevented and eliminate slow rides’ introduction or at least minimize their necessary duration“, says Mr. Jiří Svoboda, Director General of SŽDC. As he adds, due to the complexity of more extensive repairs the slow rides’ reduction did not show on regional lines yet.

SŽDC pays great attention to slow rides’ issues; they are being analyzed and assessed regularly with the objective to minimize their number, length and duration. Improving the situation in this area depends on financial resources’ allocation, the suppliers’ capacity, opening tenders including the observance of all terms and possible appeals, including necessary closures into the closures’ plans, negotiating them with carriers and last but not least climate conditions.

The blue column in the chart shows all registered slow rides (PJ), i.e. those introduced for reasons of construction works, safety, consolidation, natural effects, activities of other subjects of law or the technical state. The red column shows the length of slow rides introduced only due to the unsatisfactory state which was reduced by 55% within the period that was followed.

Nation-wide lines

On nation-wide lines with a total length of 4,880 km, length of slow rides decreased by 49.5%; for slow rides introduced due to the technical state even by 77%.

Regional lines

On regional lines with a total length of 4,494 km, the length of slow rides compared to the previous year decreased by 58%. This increase includes however slow ides introduced in the section Ledečko – Kácov (8.3 km) where operation will be closed this October in order to renew its full operability in mid-2019. As far as the section Katusice – Mladá Boleslav (4.2 km) is concerned, slow rides should be eliminated up to the end of this October in the section Slavonice – Dačice (1.9 km) to the end of the year. Thus, a positive trend of decreasing slow rides on regional lines should also be achieved.


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