Press releases

Passengers get modern facilities at further stations
Správa železnic is continuously improving the environment at railway stations across the Czech Republic, and has recently completed the construction of new or reconstruction of existing buildings at several stations. While in Chodov and Aš passengers serve completely new buildings, in Bílina, Benešov nad Ploučnicí and Světlá nad Sázavou they have reconstructed premises that meet all current requirements, including barrier-free access. Work on all sites has been underway since 2022 and the total cost of these reconstructions amounts to almost CZK 380 million.
Construction of the modern premises of Nymburk railway firefighters begins
Today, Správa železnic inaugurated the construction of a new premises for railway firefighters in Nymburk's Nádražní Street. They will get more modern and comfortable facilities as well as garages and parking spaces for their vehicles. The installation of photovoltaic panels will reduce operating costs. The works will last until March next year.
Historic building in fast train station will get modern premises within a year
The more than 150-year-old station building in the Central Bohemian town of Čáslav is awaiting a complete reconstruction. Správa železnic has selected the contractor for the work, which is the company STRABAG Rail. It submitted the lowest bid of CZK 39,974,721. The historic building with typical elements of railway architecture will get modern check-in areas, to which public toilets will also be moved. Passengers will appreciate the barrier-free access as well as the bike boxes and covered bike stands. The work will last until next spring.
Listed building in Jaroměř will be occupied by builders
Správa železnic selected the contractor for the reconstruction of the historical building in Jaroměř. It became the company Chládek a Tintěra, Pardubice, which submitted the most advantageous offer in the amount of CZK 143,896,530. The construction includes the renovation of the façade and roof of the building, at the same time the internal layout will be modified. Works will start this spring and will take a total of 18 months.
Reconstruction of the check-in hall at main station in Pardubice
Správa železnic signed a contract with the contractor for the reconstruction of the remaining part of the station building at Pardubice Main Station. The reconstruction of the check-in hall together with the eastern and western wings of the building will be carried out by the companies Chládek a Tintěra, Pardubice and Eurovia. Work on the listed building will include renovation of the building structures, roof, façade, and the entire interior. It will be returned to its original form, but with respect to current requirements. The handover of the site will take place in April, when the first works will begin. It will be ready at the end of 2026.
Jihlava VRT Terminal already has its shape
Správa železnic announced today in Jihlava the winner of the open architectural and urban design competition for the new terminal of the high-speed railway Jihlava VRT. From a total of 25 architectural studios that took part in the competition, the winner is the design of the French-Czech association AREP ARCHITECTES - monom. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2029.
Správa železnic increased its income last year, saved also thanks to lower energy consumption
The Supervisory Board of Správa železnic today approved the organisation's financial statements for the year 2023. It was again marked by the modernisation of important line sections and railway junctions, as well as the reconstruction of dozens of station buildings. The performance was positively impacted by an increase in real estate revenues by more than CZK 100 million. On the contrary, it was possible to reduce personnel expenses, and savings of CZK 130 million were brought about by lower consumption of gas and electricity.
Construction workers in Lovosice will move from platforms into station building
In Lovosice, construction work will start this spring to restore the original splendour of the local station building. The building, which dates to 1968, will get an insulated façade and roof, and passengers will appreciate more efficient interior spaces. The benefits of the reconstruction will also be a significant reduction in operational costs. It will be ready next summer.
Modern platforms and faster trains under Ore Mountains
Not only the large building of the Teplice v Čechách station, but also the line in the direction of the regional capital Ústí nad Labem underwent a complete renovation in the past period. Thanks to this, the inhabitants of the village of Krupka in the region below the Ore Mountains gained a new stop with modern shelters that offers comfortable and safe boarding of trains. In addition, the Bohosudov station and the connecting sections to Teplice and Chabařovice were reconstructed. The construction has been underway since 2020 and its total cost has reached nearly CZK 2 billion.
Historically valued building of railway station in Teplice is once again ornament of spa town
Today Správa železnic festively completed the reconstruction of the listed railway station in Teplice. The façade and roof of the building were renovated, as well as the first platform including a cast-iron shelter. The construction started in August 2022, its total cost reached CZK 325 million. This is the first phase of the reconstruction, the second phase, which will include the interior spaces, is currently being prepared.