Press releases

Automatic system alerts construction workers of approaching train
Správa železnic has started using a system ATWS to improve safety during construction work carried out during train operation. The device automatically detects an approaching train and alerts workers with acoustic and visual warnings. The line section from Karlštejn to Beroun was selected for the verification operation of the system.
Another historic station building in Pilsen will undergo renovation
Reconstruction of the listed station building at Plzeň-Jižní Předměstí railway station will start this year. Správa železnic selected the company Chládek a Tintěra, Pardubice, as the contractor, its offer amounted to CZK 84,763,361. The more than a hundred-year-old Neo-Renaissance building will be completely renovated, the facilities for passengers will be improved and the publicly accessible areas will be barrier-free.
More halls for remote traffic control will be added in Přerov
The Traffic Control Centre in Přerov will be expanded by another building, Správa železnic is looking for its contractor now. The builders will construct a new six-storey building that will house, among other things, six control rooms. From them, traffic on other lines in Moravia and Silesia will be controlled remotely. Work is scheduled to start at the end of this year and will be completed in summer 2027.
Czech railway switches to ETCS system
There are more and more trains on the Czech railway network that run under the supervision of the European Train Control System ETCS. Since the beginning of August, it has been used by carriers that meet the required conditions on the lines where exclusive ETCS operation will be introduced from January next year. Presentation of individual functions of the system for journalists took place today at the test railway circuit in Velim.
Správa železnic launches first map portal for high-speed line Praha – Dresden
Správa železnic presents a new map portal GIS Podřipsko, which will enable the public to actively participate in the planning of the high-speed line connecting Prague with Dresden in Germany, specifically in the section between the Czech capital and Lovosice.
Not just waiting room. Správa železnic expands range of services at stations
Services at railway stations are dynamically evolving and responding to the changing needs of passengers. In addition to the standard cafés and shops, a number of less common facilities such as medical offices, veterinary clinics and offices have recently appeared. The latest example is the new premises for police patrols that have been created in the reconstructed station building in České Budějovice.
Trains are returning to modernised line in Kladno
The reconstruction of the line across the largest city of the Central Bohemian Region has progressed. Správa železnic will resume traffic between Kladno and Kladno-Ostrovec stations this evening, the first trains will go on the tracks tomorrow. For the time being, they will use one track, and the double-track operation will be operational in less than a month. The construction is part of the line modernisation project Praha – airport – Kladno.
Trains will speed up on another section under the Ore Mountains
Správa železnic selected the contractor for the reconstruction of the line from Kyjice to Chomutov. The reconstruction of the nearly eight-kilometre long double-track section under the Ore Mountains will be carried out by COLAS CZ and COLAS Rail. Their bid price was CZK 1,925,599,284. Two stops will be modernised, and the line speed will be increased at the same time. Work is scheduled to start in August this year and will be completed in mid-2027. The estimated total cost of the construction exceeds CZK 3 billion.
Travelling at the railway stations in Chrastava and Hrádek nad Nisou will be more comfortable
Two busy railway stations on the line from Liberec to Zittau in Saxony will be completely reconstructed this year. Správa železnic selected the company Skanska as the contractor for the constructions in Chrastava and Hrádek nad Nisou, which submitted a total bid of CZK 1,238,755,536. The stations will undergo a complete reconstruction, including the station buildings, and the layout of the platforms will change. Work on both sites is scheduled to start in September and be completed in November next year.
Line modernisation from Domažlice to state border with Germany has its designers
Správa železnic selected the designers for the modernisation of the line section between Domažlice and the state border with Germany. The project documentation will be prepared by the companies VECTORAMA and SUDOP Praha, which submitted a bid of CZK 43,789,000. The actual construction work is planned for the years 2027 to 2030.