Press releases

Braník Bridge will soon receive second track
Expected capacity increase of the Braník Bridge (Branický most) is in sight. Vltava railway bridging, which is mainly used by freight trains, will be double-tracked in a year. This will also help during the planned reconstruction of the bridge at Výtoň. The opening ceremony of the more than two billion investment of Správa železnic took place today at the Praha-Braník station. The complete disruption of operation on the bridge will take place between 20 October and April next year.
Modernisation of 1st corridor in Tichá Orlice Valley is completed
Two and a half years of modernisation of the corridor between Ústí nad Orlicí and Brandýs nad Orlicí ends today. Tomorrow the last long-distance trains diverted via Havlíčkův Brod will return here. The complete renewal of the railway infrastructure eliminated speed drops, increased transport safety and, above all, its fluidity. Brandýs station has also been transformed; the modern platform and pedestrian underpass offer comfortable access to trains, and the station building has received a new façade and windows.
Pardubice centrum stop was given green light
The Central Commission of the Ministry of Transport approved the construction of a new stop Pardubice centrum. Správa železnic can now issue a tender for its implementation, which must take place simultaneously with the ongoing modernisation of the entire Pardubice station. The new stop will significantly improve the accessibility of the city centre for passengers, with trains from Jaroměř and Hradec Králové arriving here. At the same time, it will serve for the turnaround of trains providing connections between Pardubice and Chrudim.
Radotín station offers comfortable travel, only new building remains to be completed
Travelling from Prague in the direction of Beroun is now faster and more comfortable. This was made possible by the reconstruction of the section between Smíchov and Černošice, which Správa železnic festively completed today. Passengers gained barrier-free access to the platforms and also comfortable boarding of the train. Residents of Velká Chuchle will appreciate the shorter distance to the stop. Further improvements to the services offered will be brought by the completion of the new station building in Radotín at the end of this year.
Extension of high-speed line in South Moravia has its designer
Správa železnic has concluded a contract for the preparation of the technical design of the section of the high-speed line (HSL) Šakvice – Rakvice. It will extend the already designed VRT Jižní Morava (HSL South Moravia) by approximately 10 kilometres. Originally, this line was to connect to the existing corridor Brno – Břeclav near Šakvice.
Správa železnic received another CZK 10.9 billion from CEF programme
Správa železnic continues to be successful in obtaining grants from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) in the new funding period 2021–2027. Five major construction projects were awarded grants in the second call of the programme. The grants in the total amount of CZK 10.9 billion will go into key constructions in the Prague junction, the Karlštejn – Beroun line section and the Havířov railway station.
320 km/h also round Přerov – new section of high-speed line will help Olomouc
Správa železnic has announced a public tender for the preparation of documentation for zoning decision for the new section of the VRT Moravská brána I (HSL Moravian Gate l), which will be extended from Prosenice to Brodek u Přerova. Twelve kilometres of the new high-speed line (HSL) will improve especially the transport service of the regional metropolis Olomouc.
Institutions across transport sector start cooperation on preventive safety campaign on railway
Under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport, Správa železnic, České dráhy (ČD) and Drážní úřad (the Czech rail national safety authority) signed a memorandum on long-term cooperation with the aim to address the unabating number of injuries on the railway. At the same time, they have symbolically launched a preventive safety campaign to highlight the risks of inattentive behaviour near the railway. The first part starts on social networks; it will focus primarily on the dangerous behaviour of the younger generation on the railway with the summer coming.
Train journey to South Bohemia takes less time, ETCS will allow further speeding up
The network of double-track lines in the Czech Republic has recently expanded by approximately twenty kilometres between Sudoměřice u Tábora and Votice. The modernisation of this section was festively completed today by Správa železnic. The construction of the large-scale relocation brought, besides a higher railway capacity, also a significant increase in line speed. In addition, the trains will be even faster; instead of the current 160 km/h, it will be possible to travel at speeds of up to 200 km/h after the installation of the European Train Control System (ETCS).
Smart stops will be built at twelve locations by end of year
Passengers at a total of twelve stations will soon be using so-called smart stops. They will be built by the STARMON company, which succeeded in the tender procedure of Správa železnic. First, it will create the project documentation and then implement the construction works as well. All this by the end of this year. The estimated value of the public contract was CZK 35.6 million, the winning bid was CZK 26 million.